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02 55138581, 41032881

As per Industrial All Risks Policy


      i) Fire as defined in the policy

      ii) Lightning

      iii) Explosion of boiler used for domestic purposes only

b) Riot & Strike Damage

c) Malicious Damage-Loss or damage to the property insured directly caused by the malicious act of any person.

d) Earthquake (Fire & Shock)

e) Cyclone

f) Flood including Tsunami

g) Aircraft Damage

h) Impact Damage

i) Bursting of pipes

j) Landslide/Hillslide/Landslip

k) Burglary & Housebreaking

You may extend your policy by paying additional premium. Major optional extensions available are:-

          1.Machinery Breakdown (MBD)

          2. Business Interruption (BI)